Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lame Duck and Public Joke - the CCC Cabal

CCC lightweight Len Roberts-Smith takes on Malcolm McCusker QC

When reading of the tiff between Parliamentary Inspector Malcolm McCusker QC and Corruption and Crime Commission Commissioner Len Robert-Smith in today’s The West Australian, the Desert Rat is reminded of the old saying:

“When you can’t argue the facts, argue the law!”

This is precisely what doddering Dad’s Army Chief Major-General Roberts - Smith has done.

Roberts - Smith accuses McCusker QC, not of being wrong, but acting outside his powers, given to him by the CCC Act. Roberts-Smith should have the courage and character to apologie on behalf of the CCC to all involved in the Smith's Beach Star Chamber hearings - even though it underlines how stupid they have been.

Roberts-Smith conveniently thinks that McCusker should or does not have the power to review CCC evidence. So he argues the law because he can’t argue facts which show the CCC incompetence. Roberts-Smith does not want to be checked by the Parliamentary Commissioner - it's too embarrassing!

The CCC does not deny or argue that it got the Frewer case unbelievably, badly wrong. They arrogantly have their collective heads in the sand.

The CCC, Major General Lenny Roberts-Smith, Brigadier Mike “Children Overboard” Silverstone and Comrade McGinty have refused to apologise (McGinty never admits any mistakes – on “principle”?) to any of the public servants Paul Frewer, Dr Wally Cox or Mike Allen who the CCC has defamed.

Paul Murray points out in his excellent column in today’s The West Australian, that the CCC investigators listened to the Planning Committee meeting tapes and knew, but did not disclose to Stephen Hall SC, the Special Council doing the CCC interrogating of witnesses during the Smith’s Beach Inquiry; that the tape of the Planning Committee meeting revealed Paul Frewer had made proper disclosures.

Stephen Hall SC must be feeling very soiled and used by the CCC, particularly the CCC investigators. The Desert Rat wonders how many of the others supposedly smart SC’s have been deliberately lied to, or have had material evidence withheld from them by what seems to be corrupt or incredibly incompetent officers. The latter should be investigated by the CCC. Someone needs to pull the full-flush button and sack them or send them back to the sewers.

Why would any lawyer continue to work for the CCC – the money can’t be that good?

How long will the perpetrators of this amateurish, incompetent and destructive witch hunt remain in "a state of denial"?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent take-down of that doddering old fool "Major" Roberts-Smith (as an army lawyer, he was more a shiney-arse than a fighter).

    In my blog I wrote that the CCC investigators had either failed to comprehend the significance of that tape recording, in which case they were stupid and not competent to be running investigations.

    Or they had heard the tape and deliberately concealed it, in which case they were corrupt.

    I think that McCusker's findings invite a clear conclusion as to which of these alternatives apply.

    No wonder Roberts-Smith is trying to divert attention with his ridiculous attack on Mr McCusker, whose acknowledged eminence in legal circles makes the doddering old fool look like an undergraduate student, and not a very good one at that.
