Wednesday, February 6, 2008

CCC’s CEO Brigadier Silverstone AWOL?

Why has Corruption and Crime Commission CEO Mike “Children Overboard” Silverstone not been asked to explain his role in the secret McGinty - Fong hearings and the incredibly sloppy Smith’s Beach investigation and Report?

Why do we only read about a “comment from a CCC spokesperson”. Isn’t Brigadier Silveristone paid handsomely to explain CCC actions and show his mug on TV and in the newspapers? Silverstone was quick to jump in front of TV cameras when announcing the public hearing of Burke and Grill. Since then he has crawled into a hole. Strange?

Is it an offence to publish a picture of the Le Messenger in the “Children Overboard” scandal – our former chief refugee catcher?

Why is Silverstone, the head of such a bungling organisation too timid to communicate a few simple messages to the public to explain the extraordinary incompetence at the Corruption and Crime Commission that seems to pass for rigour and thorough investigation?

The CCC's Smith Beach Report has gratuitously destroyed many people reputations and businesses and is being shown as each day passes, to be grossly incompetent. So bad that the Desert Rat wonders if the authors were negligence or it is part of a grubby smear propaganda campaign against Burke and Grill.

How will they compensate the victims of this inquiry? So damning were the findings of the phoney report and the media frenzy that followed, it will be difficult to repair the damage to the reputations of people such as Burke and Grill; the public servants, business people and others who appear to have done no wrong?

Read about Silverstone's evidence in the Senate "Children Overboard" inquiry here.

1 comment:

  1. I invite your readers to consider the difference between "Brigadier" Silverstone and another military person, SAS man Peter Tinley who ran for the Labor Party in the seat of Stirling at the recent Federal Election.

    Tinley is a genuine military hero. He was shot at, and returned fire, in the defence of our nation. He never shirked a difficult job and he never sought to find himself a cushy public service job following his military career.

    Silverstone, on the other hand, sat on his fat arse well out of range of enemy fire and has distinguished himself only by his preparedness to bend the truth to satisfy his political masters in the now thoroughly discredited Howard Government. The "Children Overboard" scandal is only one example of his utter disregard for the truth.

    In some ways it's a good thing that a shiney-arsed shirker like Silverstone is out of the Military - notwithstanding his incompetent and corrupt administration of the CCC. At least he no longer has the opportunity to fuck around with our national security.
