Thursday, February 14, 2008

Labor Government's "toxic" and "poisonous" smear campaign

"Toxic", "poison" and "poisonous" - staying on message

The Carpenter Government has been running a consistant line of spin to discredit and smear Brian Burke and Julian Grill. They involve repeating the words "toxic", "poisonous " and "poison", as often as possible when referring to Burke or Grill. They realised some time ago that Burke and Grill had not acted illegally in the Smith's Beach lobbying - so they started this smear campaign. It's called staying on message and eventually it becomes embedded in the public mind.

It is the sort of approach adopted by totalitarian government and their propagandists such as Hitler's Joseph Goebbels. Second rate journalsits inadvertently pick it up this "message" and repeat it. Others partisan journalists use it deliberately.

"The Australian" has run some grubby articles and editorials againt Burke and Grill.

Their WA political reporter is Amanda O'Brien, who was Jim McGinty's Chief Media Officer in recent times. She has been particularly partisan when it comes to Burke and Grill and given McGinty kid-gloves treatment and generally a cushy ride. The headline in a recent Amanda O'Brien's article in The Australian (29 January) screamed " Premier tackles 'poison of Burke' " and went on with her "toxic and poisonous" lambaste of Burke - cheap, grubby reinforcement that would make admirers of Goebbels smile.

Among others Agriculture Minister Kim Chance has been another offender who repeated these words in a recent TV interview. The Desert Rat thinks these two must be collecting brownie points.

The Desert Rat can now understand the wisdom of the policy of Paul Murray the previous editor of "The West Australian". Murray refused to employ journalists that work for politicians or the Government - he believe they were often tainted, compromised and captured by the political process. Amanda O'Brien would not have been employed by Paul Murray at "The West Australian". Ther Desert Rat can think of some fitting employment for O'Brien.

Watch the media for these derogatory 'key' words of this message and look cafefully at who is using them. They are designed to condition the publics' thinking. The Corruption and Crime Commission's campaign is being exposed as biased and incompetent, so the government has to rely on this nasty campaign - keeping on the message which is aimed at tainting Burke and Grill.

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