Saturday, February 23, 2008

Carpenter Government involvement in new "Dirt File"

Carpenter Government’s “Dirt File” on “The West” Editor Paul Armstrong - Exposed

As if politics could get any lower and dirtier, the Desert Rat is surprised by the new depths being plumbed by the sanctimonious but spiritually bankrupt cabal known as the Carpenter Government.

The target of a "Dirt File" is Paul Armstrong the independent minded editor of The West Australian. Jim McGinty has black-banned The West’s journalists from prior knowledge of media conferences and is unimpressed by Armstrong’s inability to be sycophantic to the self-appointed Emperor of Western Australia.

What is gallingly grubby is that the "Dirt File" was sent to Armstrong's competitor The Australian. John Lyons a senior journalist was the recipient. The Australian had taken a very strong anti-Grill and Burke stance in its copy and editorials and the Sydney based John Lyons recently visited Perth to interview Julian Grill. This resulted in well written but not-so flattering article in The Australian.

It is interesting that John Lyons was sent across as Amanda O’Brien the Oz’s Perth based journalist who was Jim McGinty’s Chief Media Officer was really getting stuck into Burke and Grill in her articles, giving generally McGinty a good press and playing down anything critical of McGinty and the Corruption (of Truth) and Crime Commission shenanigans.

The Carpenter Government thought it had a captive admirer in The Australian but to John Lyons credit he has blown the whistle on the “Dirt File”.

It is reminiscent of the email received by the Editor of Perth based WA Business News, claiming and warning him that Joe Poprzeczny was a friend of Burke and Grill - presumably because he wrote an article drawing the paralel between the CCC witch hunt of Burke and Grill to the McCarthyism in the USA. Poprzeczny, in his column in WA Business News, blew the whistle three weeks ago on this crude bit of surreptitious subversion, an attempt to silence him.

The Desert Rat has a very good idea who is the author. He has a clear conflict of interest, he is a failed journalist, and is of the Socialist Left and has attacked Burke and Grill before . He is probably one of the 643 media hacks on the Carpenter Government’s spin payroll. The Desert Rat is checking this out.

The Desert Rat can only conclude that this “Dirt File” is part of the Carpenter Government’s arsenal to control the media and also “get Burke and Grill at any cost” campaign?

Alan Carpenter and Jim McGinty were very quick to duck for cover when asked by the media about their involvement.

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