Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is Shelley Archer's charge designed to justify illegal phone taps?

Hon Shelley Archer MLC charged with a 7 year gaol - corruption offence.
Justifying dodgy CCC phone tap warrants?

Such is the Desert Rat;s distrust of the seedy operating activities of the Crime and Corruption Commission rodents, he suspects the CCC's corruption charge against Shelley Archer as revealed in yesterday's The West Australian, which clearly states it carries a seven year sentence, was just a smokescreen, to justify and cover the CCC's illegal phone tapping and bugging warrants.

It is the Desert Rats understanding, that Julian Grill still has his phone and emails tapped and his house (including the main bedroom) bugged by the CCC voyeurs. Your trusty Desert Rat is not aware of any activity or offence by Julian Grill that would warrant a 7 year gaol term required to get such a phone tap. All the charges relating to the multi-million Smith's Beach Inquiry have spectacularly failed and the Desert Rat thinks that the new phoney? charges will continue to fail, calling into question on what grounds the phone taps and bugging were granted with the knowledge of former failed Attorney General Jim McGinty.

Back to Shelley Archer: is this charge a ruse by the CCC to cover their polished arses in their suspect warrant to tap Julian Grill phone and bug his house and or part of an attempt to buy some time before some phoney "fishing expedition" warrants are open to public scrutiny?

1 comment:

  1. Great story, Desert Rat. I've added you as a favourite link on my blog,
