Friday, March 6, 2009

Magistrate: Grill "a witness of truth".

Third group of CCC charges thrown out in CCC Smith's Beach "House of Cards" Inquiry and Report

Julian Grill was yesterday cleared of two charges of giving false testimony at the Corruption and Crime Commission's Smith's Beach hearings about 3 years ago.

Magistrate Wheeler said Grill was a witness of truth and any erroneous answers are understandable given the circumstances. He said Mr Grill had little input into the proposed Smith's Beach development and was in the USA for most of the 4 weeks of the deferral of the town planning amendment .

Magistrate Wheeler said he had watched a video of Mr Grill's evidence and declared him to be studious, respectful and trying to answer correctly.

Julian Grill was awarded cost of $19 149.

Smug Brigadier Mike Children Overboard Silverstone, Senior "Investigator" Mark Ingham and the antique, sphinx-like Major General Roberts-Smith have suffered another humiliating defeat.

Every finding of the phoney Smith Beach Inquiry has already been discredited and their dodgy practices exposed. Also the vindictive and malicious false testimony charges belatedly made against Mike Allen, David McKenzie and Julian Grill, by the CCC incompetents to save face - have been thrown out of Court.

Read the latest Eastern States comment on VexNews.


  1. I honestly believe that it is a misnomer to be making statements that there has been an investigation into the Smiths Beach development. I have not seen any evidence that the whole of the matter of Smiths Beach was investigated.

    I am aware that at the time that Burke and Grill were working with McKenzie and others, that those who opposed the development were working very closely with McGinty. I am sure that if McGinty and those who opposed the development had their phones tapped we would have a completely different outcome to what we have now.

    So lets be honest here and call this for what it is "A Burke and Grill Inquiry" as the whole of the Smiths Beach matter was not fully investigated just one side of it, that which Burke and Grill were involved in!!

  2. My recent research is showing just how correct your assessment is, that this was a one-sided inquiry into Burke and Grill.
    The CCC have not been interested in the true story behind the opposition to Smiths Beach. They are shamelessly, are just out to 'get' Burke and Grill - and are frustrated they can't find anything they have done, that is illegal or wrong - so all the delayed and new false testimony charges.
    David McKenzie has been a 'collateral fire' victim of the CCC because he sort the best help to progress a project being obstructed - by some of whom appear to the Desert Rat as competitors.
