Sunday, February 1, 2009

Silverstone's "Misconduct Resistance" Campaign - he can't find corruption and organised crime is too hard

"Just Don't Do It" - decision and danger avoidance campaign.

The Desert Rat received an anonymous leak, presumably from the Corruption and Crime Commission, about their new "Misconduct Resistance" Campaign (see page 15). Its forthcoming campaign slogan "Just Don't Do It" appears to be a blatant bit of plagiarism from Nike.

This lovely piece of vague jargon, "Misconduct Resistance" Campaign, doesn't even refer to corruption! Have Mike Children Overboard Silverstone and Major General Roberts-Smith thrown in the towel on corruption as well as organised crime?

Why "Misconduct Resistance" - it's a bit odd? Does that policy jargon require more resistance to some misconduct (forget about corruption) and less resistance to other forms - such as securing dodgy phone tapping and bugging warrants? Will this new catch cry be able to "justify" many massive salaries, in the eyes of the public, of dysfunctional shiny arses at the CCC?

Making decisions is already personally dangerous for public servant and will get worse. The result will be more third party negotiators, or government relations consultants, who in plain English are - lobbyists.

What, a campaign that will result in more lobbyists?!

When bureaucrats resort to jargon the Desert Rat suspects they have lost their way and don't have much of an idea about what they are doing or could do - they have no direction!

Plain English would of course be a campaign of "Corruption Prevention" or "Misconduct Prevention" - but that is obviously not sophisticated enough for the feckless trash in the CCC - the great big wheelie bin that seems to have been filled with the flotsam and jetsam of every public service in Australia.

  • Under the new "Just Don't Do It" campaign, public servants will be advised not to make any decisions that may advantage any citizen or corporation.

  • They will be advised to report to the CCC any person asking for a decision or action that may advantage any private citizen or corporation.

The Desert Rat predicts that getting a decision out of a public servant and therefore a Minister will soon be near impossible. Who will bother to apply directly for a planning or other government decision?

The Desert Rat predicts this new policy will be circumvented by a massive increase in the use of third parties to negotiate the minefield of personal benefit - precisely what happened when the process oriented McGinty - Gallop Government took office. No Minister made a decision unless it was recommended by the public service (and no public servant would make a decision that they weren't sure a Minister would approve. Catch 22?

The Desert Rat thinks he could turn a good dollar in this government relations business. No grubby lobbying for this trouble-shooting Rat.

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