Saturday, March 15, 2008

McGinty’s dysfunctional CCC

Truth Overboard? – the CCC should now be investigated for corruption

The failure of some senior Corruption and Crime Commission officers to meet the standards it expects of others is the most damning revelation of the discredited Smith’s Beach Inquiry.

The Desert Rat expects some CCC officers may be charged with serious offences and others should lose their jobs.

The cavalier treatment of evidence by CCC officers has been somewhere between negligent and or grossly incompetent, and corrupt.

Two examples have been recently revealed. Are more to come?

The first example is the failure to pursue evidence that did not support their case.

The evidence from Barbara Pedersen in which she denied any knowledge of the so called DPI Smith’s Beach report or being asked to write one, was omitted by the CCC from the final CCC Smith’s Beach report.

Also the CCC officers failed to interview Ms Clegg, the woman to whom the claimed report was to be written. The CCC also failed to interview the Supervisor of both women, to get to the truth of the claim, which the CCC presents as fact.

Malcolm McCusker QC adds the Commission also failed to interview other crucial witnesses in the matter.

The second example is failing to inform Special Council assisting the CCC of the content of the taped recorded meeting.

CCC investigators listened to the South West Planning Committee meeting tapes and knew, but did not disclose to Stephen Hall SC, the Special Council doing the CCC’s interrogating of witnesses during the Smith’s Beach Inquiry of evidence that showed Paul Frewer was innocent.

The tape of the Planning Committee meeting revealed Paul Frewer had made proper disclosures but Stephen Hall SC was not informed and his interrogation and cross examination of Paul Frewer was allowed to proceed of his false belief that Paul Frewer had not made proper disclosures to the meeting.

Stephen Hall SC was unaware of the real content of the tape and would not have allowed the misconduct finding against Paul Frewer had he known of the exculpatory content of the tapes.

The omission of critical evidence by CCC officers in the Smith’s Beach inquiry, investigation and subsequent report, lies somewhere between gross incompetence or negligence and corruption. That omission meant the CCC’s findings were inconsistent with evidence it had collected from relevant witnesses; evidence that it did not disclose in its report.

Remember John Button and Andrew Mallard both were convicted of murders they did not commit and spent over a decade in jail. In each trial, evidence that would have made it impossible to convict Button and Mallard, was withheld from the Court.

The CCC’s modus operandi and treatment of evidence are terrifyingly dangerous.

The omission of exculpatory evidence is criminal behaviour in the Desert Rat’s humble opinion.

The Desert Rat would like to know when some of the officers responsible for this sick behaviour in the CCC will resign, and take responsibility for this misguided McCartheyist purge of the non-Left members of the Australian Labor Party?

1 comment:

  1. Right on, Desert Rat.

    The shonky outfit known as the CCC is coming apart at the seams. Not only has it gained the distinction of running the only $75 million Corruption Inquiry in history that did not discover any corruption, its own investigators are now being investigated for corrupt conduct.

    And news came out today that McGinty's hand-picked reviewer of the CCC legislation has recommended that the CCC be barred from making any findings beyond its narrow misconduct jurisdiction - an absolute rebuff to Commissioner Len "Doddering, Slobbering Fool" Roberts-Smith and his fellow incontinents. It seems that even McGinty's own acolytes are not prepared to back this corrupt and degenerate ship of fools.
