Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Government (McGinty) will 'Save the Children'.

Is Children's Commissar too close to McGinty?

Michelle Scott the new Children's Commissioner appointed by AG Jim McGinty doesn't fill many people with confidence including Liberal Barbara Scott MLC who has championed the establishment of this office for at least 10 years - until McGinty and Carpenter recently capitulated.

When the lid was finally blown off the child neglect and abuse among Aboriginal families, by the Steve Pennells series of expose stories on Halls Creek in "The West Australian" of a couple of year ago, the embarrassed Carpenter Government finally moved to make it look like they were doing something. Remember that in the 1980's and 90's you were branded a racist in the ALP if you suggested activities like these were a problem in Aboriginal communities.

Worse still about the appointment is that Michelle Scott is a social worker; from the very group that has been guiltly of repeatedly failing children - albeit hamstrung by Left Faction Ministers who did nothing about child neglect and abuse under the guise of Aboriginal self-determination. The 'nobility' of Aboriginal culture blinded them to any consideration of that possibility.

That Michelle Scott is too close to McGinty, is the charge. She was the acting director-general of McGinty's Department of Attorney General last year. No one gets these sensitive jobs unless close to and totally trusted by McGinty. His trusted CEO Danny Cloghan is a left faction apparatchik, ex Secretary of the Prison Officers Union; the hatchet man who recently 'kneecapped' FOI Commissioner Darryl Wookey with the decision about her sacking. I doubt very much if you would find a member of the Right Faction in McGinty's office or any other office of a Left ministers or in any 'political' position sensitive to the Left for that matter.

It is also a worry when all the usual suspects, such as WACOSS, church groups and the Greens come out in a chorus of support for the appointment.

Will Michelle Scott be a fearless advocate for children? Will she be really independent of Government? Will she be worth the salary $176 000 a year
salary plus perks? Can we expect any initiative from the new Children's Commissioner and her Office or will the office become another clueless limpet firmly attached to the public wallet? Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

Not being compromised by an appointment to an acting position, like Darryl Wookey, will help.
Let's hope Michelle Scott surprises us all and looks after abused and neglected children and not the neglectful and secretive Government.

Michelle Scott may not last long, if she does her job well.

The Inconvenient Truth - Is there any?

35 Errors Discovered in Al Gore’s Film

Not one error, not nine errors as found by a Judge in England, but at least 35 errors.


Viscount Monckton's dissection of Al Gore mockumentary in a detailed report to the Science and Public Institute, is essential reading if you want to get closer to the truth about what was once called the "Greenhouse Effect".

Viscount Monckton lists a total of 35 errors in the award-winning unscientific propaganda abomination responsible for most of the global warming hysteria sweeping the planet.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Freedom from Information?

McGinty Sends Kneecapped Wookey to Knackery

Attorney General Jim McGinty continues to confound many of us that thought he was both a smart and competent Minister. Competency disappeared from view about 18 months ago and the 'smart' is beginning to look like a euphemism. His recent antics show he has about as much depth as a car park puddle.

Ms Darryl Wookey the Acting Information Commissioner should have given McGinty an ultimatum about continuing in her acting position long ago. "Unless you appoint me Commissioner I am not prepared to continue and will resign". It is unacceptable that Wookey has been in an acting position for nearly four years - since the 3 November 2003.

Wookey's reappointments may well have been illegal. If not, they were against the spirit of the FOI Act. The Act allows the appointment of an Acting Commissioner for one year. Wookey has been reappointed 4 times. Why have a one-year limit on acting appointments in the legislation if you don't observe it and just repeat the process annually? That was not the intention of the act and is an abuse of the provision.

Would Wookey have lost the prospect of the top job if she made a decision to release of documents which the AG didn't want released during the last four years? The FOI Commissioner is not there to protect the Government, but ensure fair and reasonable access to documents about Government decision making.

The acting position should have been for no longer than it took to advertise and make a permanent appointment. The failure of the Attorney General to appoint a Freedom of Information Commissioner is contemptuous of State Parliament and the public.

Ms Darryl Wookey as the Acting FOI Commissioner since 3 November 2003 has continued to have a sword hanging over her head. Considering her predecessor Ms Keightly-Gerrard was in the position for 10 years, you would have thought McGinty had the ability to organise the succession during the last two years of her contract that was under his stewardship. The provision of an Acting Commissioner for 1 year is to ensure the substantive position was filled promptly. Perhaps the Corruption and Crime Commission should look at that - if they're game! It may not be corrupt, it may well be illegal (who is going to pay $50 000 to challenge it in the Courts?), but it is certainly 'inappropriate' behaviour by the AG. Perhaps the next Director of the CCC will be in an Acting position until he incurs McGinty's wrath?

Wookey was required to deal with sensitive FOI requests into the deaths of babies at KEMH for Women (The $9 million Inquiry undertaken by lawyer Neil Phillips). That material was released to 'The West Australian' newspaper at the death knock, after years of appeals and finally court action. The incredibliy stupid closure of the Woodside Maternity Hospital to fill the half-empty Kaleeya Hospital - a financial lemon that McGinty purchased in 2004, just before the State election, also involved FOI requests. In that case, was it difficult for Wookey in an acting position to impartially deal with a sensitive matter that involve the trifecta of:
  • her boss the Attorney General (a person who has great influence on your future)
  • his Health Portfolio and
  • his electorate of Fremantle - a politically sensitive matter in the closure of Woodside Hospital?
Her job as Acting Commissioner was always on the line!

Parliament should appoint the FOI Commissioner - not McGinty

The FOI Commissioner should be appointed and vetted by Parliament to help ensure a fair and transparent appointment and hopefully - fair decisions. 'The West Australian' recently said that Wookey sought pre-selection for an ALP seat in State Parliament. While that should not preclude her from the job, a two third's majority in Parliament to confirm her appointment should ensure she was not just a political hack.

One point that emerges from this seedy saga is that AG McGinty does not want independent scrutiny of Government decisions. The Desert Rat will certainly scrutinise those decisions.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Septic Sludge Squanders National Wealth

Squandering our National Wealth

Liberal and Labor leaders John Howard and Kevin Rudd are both enjoying themselves in the air-conditioned cab, taking turns to dump their goodies on the public until Election Day. One will then get exclusive control of the 'business' for three years. They will then have a licence to inundate you with their 'waste' and continue to squander our collective national wealth. Either way, we will all be permanently in the 'poo'.

In a future article we may look at what Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and others do with their 'surplus' wealth.